Reach for Paula LLC is expert in the providing the small and needed services on the day of your move. Logistics oversite. We will secure that movers are on time. Provide staff at one end and the other end of the move. Arrange for food and beverages for movers and family on the big day. Help set up the rooms needed immediately, like the kitchen, for seamless transfer of locations. All the ‘little stuff’ to compliment the moving company and others. Help with the comfort and security of you and your family’s relocation.
3 quick moving tips
Use medium and small boxes. As many of the same as possible. Easier to lift and stack!
Label, Label and Label! Be specific to what is inside. List everything in the box.
Extra set of keys to house(s) and car(s) with someone else you trust off site. They can come to the rescue!
Must keep
simple ABCD organizing method
Not sure
Reach for Paula helps you get started. One hour by one hour. We can work with you or just have it all done for you. We are expert organizers and will create peaceful, usable space to add comfort and peace to your surroundings. One drawer, room or space at a time.
Quick Tip
Less is more. Most living beauty just needs a little TLC.
Reach for Paula LLC creates clean, weed free, trimmed and tended to gardens. Hardly anyone likes to weed and dig. Everyone likes how it looks when kept up. We can do that. Weekly or monthly throughout the summer as needed and as you request.
Who will care for your home while away?
Second home owners
Business travelers
• Mail pickup and forwarding
• Outside inspection and walk around
• doors, gates, trash, snow service checks and reports
• Inside checkup
• sump pumps, lighting, plant care, pipes inspection, appliances and report
• POWER DOWN: Take care of loose ends you couldn't get to before leaving!
• POWER UP: Let me help make your return to you home enjoyable!
text or call 586.817.9727